University of Leeds



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Louis Spohr » Violin Concerto no. 9 in D minor » David, Ferdinand - AndrĂ©

The edition contains no printed performance markings by David, but has been extensively annotated by him. The copy is part of the Uppingham Collection, currently held in the Brotherton Special Collections, University of Leeds.

The first page is missing. The plate number corresponds to that of the first edition of 1820. Ferdinand David's annotations are mostly in brown ink, all in the first movement, except for a couple of instances in the Adagio. With very few exceptions (which have been identified on this website by red boxes) these are alterations that correspond with those made in the edition of the solo violin part of concerto that appeared in Spohr's 1833 Violinschule where the composer made a number of revisions and added more detailed performance instructions. Some of the ink additions were preceded by pencil ones that have been inked over. Ferdinand David also made some markings, corrections of printing errors, in red crayon. Because David's ink additions occasionally deviate from those in the composer's Violinschule, it seems possible that they were made during David's period of study with Spohr (1823-5). Many pencil and crayon markings in this copy, especially frequent in the second and third movements, have been added in another hand, probably predominantly that of Paul David. 
[C. B.]

Composer Louis Spohr
Work Violin Concerto no. 9 in D minor
Title Concert
Publisher André
City Offenbach
Date 1820 [Source: Grove 'Spohr' worklist]
Publication Number
Instrumentation Solo Violin – 1 Violin
Partly Recomposed No


Part Plate No. Medium Annotations Musical Text(s)
Violin 4484 Printed Printed & Manuscript