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Put a ring on it?


Whether couples now a-days are almost bankrupting themselves for one ‘perfect’ day in their lives to represent their love for their spouse, is worth it. A wedding is an opportunity to spare no expense as it is the beginning of ‘the rest of your life’ with the person you love. However, with the average UK wedding costing £30,355, an all-time high, and couples taking out loans which they will be likely paying back for the next 15 years, is it worth it.


I will be comparing small vox pops of how much people spent when they got married in comparison to their annual salary as well as how the price may have differed over the years. This will reveal to myself the potential increases over time and how a ‘joining of two people in holy matrimony’ has potentially become a massive money making scheme with free bars, wedding speech bingo and flowers worth more than three months’ wages.


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