Leeds tackle childhood obesity rates

It seems Leeds has been making progress of tackling levels of childhood obesity in its city.

With the UK housing a record number of severely obese children data has shown that there has been a 6.4% fall in obesity rates over recent years.
10 years ago, Leeds city council developed a child-obesity strategy. The strategy aims to tackle children particular at pre-school age.

Training has been given to all staff in the city who work with children of this age, such as health care and children’s centre workers, to educate them on healthy eating. So they are then able to promote healthy eating and pass their knowledge onto parents.

The council are also offering classes for parents, where experts talk to parents about encouraging healthy snacking, eating as a family and the importance of cooking nutritious meals from scratch. Alongside this there has been an active campaign to encourage families to reduce their sugar intakes.

There has been a large focus on getting children active too. With the council organising dance classes to increase their fitness levels.

Whilst the programme has seen impressive results from pre-school age children. Leeds have not yet seen a shift among older children and their obesity rates have remained stable.

Other areas are now looking into copying Leeds programme to improve childhood obesity levels in their areas.

