Dating in an African Household - Response

I created a podcast about dating in an African household, where we discussed the impact this could have on your dating life, as well as finding out if there are similarities within my culture and yours. We further discussed the importance of picking the right time to date in order to avoid distractions and heartbreaks. I had a chance to interview two Nigerian students and one African parent to see their perspective on this matter.

I then shared my podcast link from Media Hud to Twitter, which enabled listeners to comment and give their opinions on the issue. I found out that most people enjoyed listening to my podcast and could see insights on dating in an African household. Some stated that their parents are not too strict however, they feel the need to take dating more seriously. Stefanie agreed with Pleasant’s interview as she commented that she would rather date for marriage and not just for dating sake.

One comment that caught my eye was from Dami. She expressed how she thinks heart break could lead to depression and how most African parents are more likely to turn a blind eye to situations like these, due to them not wanting to know about their children’s dating life. She states that when she has her own children, she would want them to be comfortable talking about their dating lives with her. This will enable her to give advice, educate and support them to avoid mental health issues. Another insightful comment was from Tobi. She stated that she agrees with some aspect of what Tunde Owonikoko said in his interview. “I have noticed the benefit of prioritising and focussing on your main goal which in most cases is to develop yourself as a person whether it be professionally or education wise” this comment could suggest that before thinking of dating you should think about your future goals first to prevent distractions to these factors. However, she believes that African parents should adopt a more open and non-judgemental approach when it comes to dating.

Overall, I have noticed that people have different opinions about dating, but all came to the same conclusion that they want something serious whilst dating. It shocked me that people can familiarise themselves with my culture even though their upbringings may differ from mine.

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