Should there be a 50/50 gender split in music festival line-ups? - The Response

Last week, I released my podcast entitled “Should there be a 50/50 gender split in music festival line-ups?”. I posted my podcast on Media Hud, Facebook, and Twitter and gained a variety of responses. Some of my friends and family also shared the podcast, aiding the amount of reach the podcast gained.

On Twitter, I did not get responses, although the tweet gained 101 impressions with 19 total engagements, suggesting that people were clicking on the podcast but not commenting on it. On Facebook, Olivia commented “how would bands made up of men and women be classified?”. As Olivia is from Florida, this shows that my podcast was successful in reaching a larger audience as she listened to the podcast and now had further curiosity on the topic, which led to her asking a more specific question which I answered.
However, I gained the majority of comments on Media Hud. Thomas Warren felt passionately on the topic as he exclaimed “It’s rediculous how single-gendered music is”, which indicated that listening to my podcast provoked a strong reaction out of him. This was an aim of mine as I wanted people to listen to the podcast and have an educated opinion after and to take a side. Lauren Denson commented about how different genres have varying amount of male/female artist splits which meant it would not be possible for some gendered festivals to achieve a 50/50 split. Additionally, this can be argued as hip-hop has an average female gender balance of 32%, making it the genre with the second-biggest male audience on Deezer, implying that it would be difficult for a hip-hop festival to be 50/50. This was a point I had not previously considered, and Lauren’s wider expertise on the subject will have helped further educate me and any other people who have read through the comments. George Bloomfield and I also had a debate about whether a 50/50 split was realistic, as we argued opposite sides. This debate showed George take a keen interest in the topic and had come away from the podcast having learnt more about the 50/50 split and could now evidently hold his own in a debate.

Overall, the responses gained from the podcast were positive as they showed people around the world had listened and had been educated on the topic, and some were also able to add more knowledgable points in the comments.


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