The Fight for Transgender Health Care


The fight for trans health care cover.pngAccess to health care for transgender people is difficult. I should know, I have been through the gender clinics.


In this podcast, I speak to Kate Ribchester, an LGBT youth worker for The Brunswick Centre. We discuss barriers facing trans young people today and touch on what should be done to increase access to gender services. We also discuss the recent court cases trying to limit access to hormone blockers, a potentially life saving drug for some.


I found this podcast very informing as I was not aware of the harships that young transgender people suffer. It has made me more aware of this issue which will allow me to be more educated and empathetic when I come across someone that is Trans. I think the way in which you have done this interview is very emotionally gripping and the choice of music adds to this too. Good job :))) xx

Thank you for being so understanding and I hope you will continue to learn and support us ❤. I agree the podcast was very well made! I would love to hear more!

I fully support every trans and questioning adult and child. The idea of forcing a young trans person to stand in front of a judge and explain who they are just for puberty blockers completely blows my mind! Especial since they are reversible as you said. Its I the name " Blockers". I'm so glad that ruling was over turned! I understand that people will say that they are children and their brains haven't developed... so why let any child experience puberty. Put them all on blockers and when they have developed properly allow them to choose to who they are and if the want to come off ot use different hormones!

Trans rights are human rights. There are more people that regret plastic surgery than those that regret transitioning. I terms of percentage as well as actual numbers!

I didn't know this! Do you have the source? Would love to look into it more ^.^

These links should give you some examples... I'm also fairly sure some YouTubers have done videos on this as well.

Also this video

I think it's hard to convince non trans people to support more NHS investment in gender services because a lot of non trans people still don't really understand what being trans means or why trans people are wanting medical treatment. I think most non trans people would be shocked if you told them there was a "life threatening" element to it.

I agree! People just don't understand at all... this is one of the reasons I think we should have better education in schools about LGBT+ people as it will enable people to understand and offer their much needed support!

The waiting lists are so long! I've been waiting g since 2020 and I'm not likely to get a first appointment before 2023!

I wish you luck on getting seen soon. I am saddened by the legnth of wait you are going through, it does seem as though they are getting longer as time goes on... I hope you manage to get everything you need soon

The idea of forcing anyone before a judge, a stranger with the power and authority to yes or no such a life altering decision that could help you authentically live as your identity, is ridiculous. I'm glad it was overturned. I think the media needs to give trans individuals- from all parts of the umbrella- more positive representation for those that are non trans to fully understand the weight that these waiting lists have on someone. That these services are needed in the NHS and deserve funding. I think non trans persons often think this is a spur of the moment choice, not a life long realisation.

I fully agree with this comment! Getting non LGBT people to understand and support the LGBT+ community will go along way to enabling us to get the health care we need. Being Trans isn't a choice but a part of who a person is! Just because they realised this when they were 6 of 60 doesnt make them any less of who they are! Often the BBC and other platforms want "balanced/fair" arguments for both sides, but someone wanting to transition will not harm other people! Having the opposing side only hinders the understanding of the public and they see the opposition as an acceptable view point even though it is so harmful!

Great that you did a podcast on a topic that is really important to you. Interesting interview, even though I knew almost nothing about it now I am more educated on the subject. Mixed well and a great idea with the quote at the end.

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