- About Us
Welcome to the Technical Services page
The Music, Humanities and Media Technical Services team provides a collaborative service support to all subject areas in the school. Management and co-ordination at School level leads to an efficient service to all areas of the school ensuring staff/students receive the best support available with accessibility to specialist technical facilities & IT technology systems for delivery of academic teaching, research and enterprise.
Our dedicated professional technical staff ensure the support maintains all functional facilities across the school and collectively build knowledge and experience of technologies and adhere to support all technical requirements.
A number of areas of support include:
Specialist subject area support, learning technologies, Bright space support, Web services, IT & AV support, Health and safety, Asset resource management & Estate building projects.
- SiSo - Equipment and room booking system
The SiSo Room and Asset booking system is used for booking equipment and Music, Music Technology and Media studios.
- How do I contact MHM IT & AV Support?
Please call us - MHM Help desk number: 01484 471162. Or ext 1162 Or email - MHM.IT-AV.Techs@hud.ac.uk / You can also contact University IT support (including out of hours) on 01484 473737 or itsupport@hud.ac.uk.
- How do I contact MHM Drama Support?
Please call us on 01484 478449/ 8417 or email on DramaTech@hud.ac.uk
- How do I contact MHM Media & Journalism Support?
Please call us - MHM Help desk number: 01484 478469. Or Ext 8469 Or email:smus.technicians@hud.ac.uk
- How do I contact Music and Music Technology Support?
AV and studio bookings please contact musictechbookings@hud.ac.uk. General enquiries please contact musictechstudios@hud.ac.uk Please call us - MHM Help desk number: 01484 471465 ext 1465
- Do you need any information of the use of the School AV facilities?
If you would like some guidance on how to use the AV equipment found within School teaching rooms please follow this link: