A spectacle or a nuisance? Should fireworks be banned?


What used to be a spectacle enjoyed by millions is starting to become a nuisance for hundreds of thousands of people in the UK.

Over 300,00 people signed a petiton to stop the sale of fireworks to members of the public, but due to the general election it has been put on the back burner.

With bonfire night behind us and New Years quicky approaching I take a look at why people feel the way they do when it comes to fireworks. I spoke to both pet owners and councillors to get their take on the issue.

I hope you enjoy this podcast and feel free to comment below with any thoughts!

-Louis Edwards

Picture thanks to - https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi22cqc0LrmA...

Music thanks to - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT89A89s5DM


they have a beauty about them, a spectacular marriage of colour and explosion, never get rid of them

fireworks may be pretty and used for celebration but they are causing so much stress and even the death of animals for our selfish desires. animals shouldn't be put to this much anxiety just for the entertainment of us humans. I don't think they should be banned but I think silent fireworks should be made available so that we can enjoy the spectacle of them without affecting so many animals.

i truly do love fireworks! But i do think the amount they are used both before and after bonfire night is ridiculous. As these people don't consider families with young children who are afraid of the loud noises as well as dogs and their owners who are also affected when fireworks are set off. I would suggest only allowing a certain amount of fireworks being sold to each person and only selling these products for a limited number of days before bonfire night and not after.

I liked the idea of needing a licence, this could potentially limit the amount sold. Another thing is limiting them to just that day (5 Novemeber) and certain hours such as between 6.30 and 9.30. As for New Years Day this should only have a 30 minute window at midnight. The only massive negative is that of youths attacking fireman, this is disgusting and should really be treat as a mild terroist attack with strict legal punishments.

What a good listen this is! The podcast raises the upcoming issues of fireworks. They can't be over-used and i'm sure a lot of pets would agree with me on that! My dog is 8 years old and even he still shivers and shakes at the sound of fireworks, 8 years on! Good interviews which help structure the podcast very nicely and make this a very easy listen. The ending is well thought out and engaging, asking the listeners questions that they can easily relate to. Good stuff buddie!

You should send me the instrumental, but to be honest this was a great piece and I think fireworks are nice. But the problem are irresponsible people who just ruin the fun for evereyone. But its best to use fireworks for major displays and ensure that they are used in safe places far away from people and animals.

Spoken very calmly and clearly over an upbeat music piece which gives the podcast good pacing. An original and trending subject which includes the viewer throughout, well done!

I think there is a place for fireworks as a celebration on few occasions but i think we do need maybe need a license or a permit to buy fireworks in order to stop idiots using them. Whilst this wont get rid of the issue completely, it will reduce the risk of them being used in appropriately. As for dogs and other pets, i'm not sure theres a lot you can do other than comfort them. Having had a dog ourselves, we used to put the radio on loud so that she couldn't hear them and if she could it was only in the background.

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