Eating Meat vs Not Eating Meat


Humans have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years and could arguably be the reason why we're still alive today. However, over the years, meat-free diets have been coming more and more popular. Today, I talk to a vegetarian, someone who used to be a pescetarian, and a long-life meat eater. These are three very interesting opinions on the topic of meat. From the importance of meat or not, to where meat-free diets might head in the future, this is a real debatable topic around the world, so will you care to join us in this meaty discussion?



Interviewees: Isabella Myers, Sam Booker, Jack Booker

Podcast Music: 'Taking Inspiration' from

Animal Noises from:


I've been vegitarian for nearly 3 years, and I've been surprised by how much better my life has become from it. I started for my health, but reamianed after I learned so much about the meat indsutry, it's kind of scary some of the things that happen. There's so many options for vegitarians and vegans and even my dad who's a devout meat eater has to admit some of the sbstittes are great! I know that it isn't for everyone, but I'd never say I regret the decision. Protein is the one thing that can be a struggle but once you learn what to look for it gets pretty easy.

Thankyou for the response Tom, I'm very much on board with your opinions there, it is scary. There's always a substitution to something, it's just about trial and error and finding out what diet is right for you!

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