#meat #vegan #vegetarian #pescetarian #meat-free #diet

Response - Eating Meat vs Not Eating Meat

Today, I will be responding to my podcast as I happened to get some very good feedback from a variety of people who listened to it. Firstly, Will struck my eye with his comment as part of his feedback was “It’s certainly made me consider my diet and the wider impact it can have.” This shows people like Will are beginning to understand the consequences meat might have. People like him recognise the impacts they maybe didn’t know before the podcast and are wanting to act on them so that they feel happier and healthier.

Eating Meat vs Not Eating Meat

Humans have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years and could arguably be the reason why we're still alive today. However, over the years, meat-free diets have been coming more and more popular. Today, I talk to a vegetarian, someone who used to be a pescetarian, and a long-life meat eater. These are three very interesting opinions on the topic of meat. From the importance of meat or not, to where meat-free diets might head in the future, this is a real debatable topic around the world, so will you care to join us in this meaty discussion?